Really Love This...

I'm dying to use this chandelier made out of capiz shells somewhere- be it my house or a client's!!   (I'm running out of light fixtures to replace in my own--eek! ;)  It reminds me a bit of a vintage sputnik chandelier:

It's the Pearl Lotus Flower Chandelier from VivaTerra and depending upon the size is either $329 or $649. 

On another note, I'm so behind on my emails & my blog reading and am really sorry if you've emailed me & I haven't gotten back to you.  (Just trying to stay afloat over here with the new little guy.)  Please feel free to email me again if you had a question I didn't answer. 

Pure Organization Project #2: Coat Closet Makeover

Hope you had a great weekend!  Ready for Project #2?  (In case you're new, we're attempting to do an organizational project almost every week of 2010.  I'll show how I did it & then I'm inviting you to come along & do the project at home & send me pics.   This way, we are sort of holding ourselves accountable to each other ;) Before I get to Project #2, I wanted to share some reader photos of Project #1 from last week.  Thanks so much to everyone who followed along at home!  I love how each person took her own unique angle on the project.   Here's my version:

Tina, in Austalia, used these beautiful Martha Stewart tags for her leftover paint:

She wrote, "I used simple twine and my precious Martha Stewart gift tags that I have been saving (lets face it they are too gorgeous to give away on a gift only to be tossed into a bin!!)"  SO pretty!!!

Berta, in Virginia, used this cute little bear container below for her paint:

Yvalie used these mini paint cans for her leftover paint.  She attached typed labels (the words are in German) to the cans along with a sample of the paint on the lids.  How cool?!!!  Love that perfectly clean metal:

And finally, Jennifer found this great idea in Parenting Magazine of using pversized pill boxes for your paint samples.  perfect!!

Thanks so much to everyone who joined & is planning on joining in!  Just knowing we're working on the projects together makes it less of a chore!!

And now onto Project #2:  Organize the Coat Closet

I'm actually embarrassed to show you the 'before' pic of our coat closet.  Yes, we've been living like this.   We threw our shoes in the bottom of the yucky closet where they got smashed & lost.  An overflowing box sat on the shelf and it housed all of our hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, etc.   Miscellaneous items like extension cords and shopping returns got thrown in the mix.  Uggggggh:

And here's our coat closet now:

We took all of this...

... And removed it so we could paint the walls in aqua paint (leftover from our basement).  The best part about this project was that it cost $0 because we just used things we already had. 

The first the step is getting everything out & starting from scratch.  For me, I enjoy projects so much more when they can be a little pretty.  Clearly the closet would be just as functional without the aqua paint, but opening the closet door & seeing this fun color just makes me happy, so it was really worth repainting.  (Thank you Dave!!)     

Next on the "pretty list" is matching hangers. They're a MUST. If you don't have them already, just head out to the store & grab some- even Home Depot sells them. I love Ikea's (cheap!) wooden hangers & have been using them for years so I can tell you they hold up well.

The closet door is an often-underutilized space for storage.  Here, I hung a canvas shoe organizer and filled it with all of our winter accessories:

If you have kids, you can put their things at the bottom to encourage them to put their things away by themselves:

We're trying really hard of getting into the habit of heading to the coat closet with all of our winter gear on instead of dropping it off in the entryway.  (Our coat closet is up the stairs & down the hall-  argggg.)  It looks like we need to put Christian's hat on the next row down:

I put our lint-rollers in here for a quick fix on the way out the door:

I switched out the overflowing box on the shelf...

...with a basket we had.  The basket is a lot bigger & (now emptier) and we'll juse it to corral miscellaneous items like shopping returns and anything too large to fit in the door organizer.  (I think empty overflow storage is a good idea if you're anything like me & just need to stash things for quick clean-up sometimes.  When they get too full, make sure to clean them out. )

Here's our mess of shoes before:  (so embarrassing! :)

And now it's so much better!  Dave made this awesome angled shoe rack out of leftover wood:

It's a shelf attached on the sides with a little lip at the bottom so the shoes don't fall down.  We put it in all the way at the front for easy access to the shoes and because there's hidden dead space in the back where I put the shoes we rarely use.  (Again, another overflow space:  it'lll get messy but I won't see it on a daily basis and when it gets cluttered, I'll reassess.)

Having the shoes down low, again, encourages little ones to help:

Christian was so proud of himself for putting away his shoes (a little crookedly! ;) on the shelf. 
"Yay!!!" he said:

This project has made us feel SO much better!!  I don't dread stuffing shoes in the closet or rummaging for Christian's hat when we're running late.  Everthing has a place and that's the key to getting it right:  just make sure everthing that will realistically be in the closet has a spot.  (1)  Then, use your door for storage (2) by getting a shoe organizer or some other type of system, make sure to use matching hangers (3), and add in some type of empty overflow space (4)- like the basket.   Finally, if you're anything like me, making it pretty (5) somehow- whether it be paint or wallpaper or color-coding your coats or a pretty box or anything else- will make you so happy when you open that door. 

Hope you enjoyed & I look forward to seeing & hearing about your projects!! (Just send me an email by Sunday if you want me to include your project in next week's post.)   Did anyone else join in last week? 


Have a Beautiful Weekend!!

I'm not gonna lie.  What's going on in my living room (above) is making me yearn a bit for Spring.  My paperwhites are shooting up (I still have to make a run to the liquor store for some alcohol to add to the water to keep the stalks from being too leggy-  we're all out since I've been pregnant haha!- and we don't have any rubbing alcohol.)  and I pulled out some throw pillows in a vintage-inspired floral I've had for years.  (It pays to have a ton of fabrics in my favorite color -GREEEEEEEEEN- around ;)

Have a beautiful weekend & if you have any free time, maybe give Project #1 a shot & be sure to send me a pic if you do!! (Sadly I only have 1 right now but it's a beauty!! I'll need the pics by Sun evening if you want them in the post on Monday :)  Enjoy the weekend!!!


FRAGILE- "It must be Italian!"

I was browsing through Tom Scheerer's portfolio (again) and found this:

Who but Tom Scheerer could actually make a leg lamp look good?!!!  I think I love it here.  It's a beach house & it looks like a couple sharing a kiss on the beach.  VERY vintage-quirky feeling and SO SO odd.  It would totally make me laugh if it were in my beach house.  And it's very reminiscent of this:

It's "frajee-lay"

And in case you don't know what I'm talking about you can check it out here.  "You should see what it looks like from the street!"

Just out of curiosity, would anyone let this enter their home?  What about the kissing couple?


Guest Blogger Before & After: Laura Casey Interiors

Welcome to our first guest bloggger, Laura Casey!  Laura is an interior designer in Charlotte, NC and creates beautiful light & airy spaces.   She's been chosen for blogwatch by the Washington Post and has an easy, elegant style you'll love.  You can check out some photos of her work here.   And now...  here she is!!

Happy New Year to all of Lauren's readers.I would like to congratulate Lauren on the arrival of Justin, there is nothing better than the family and a new baby to be thankful for. Pure Style Home quickly became one of my favorite blogs because of Lauren's great style and wonderful eye. I appreciate Lauren asking me to be a guest blogger. She asked if I had a before/after to share with you all so here is a room I recently worked on
for a more traditional client.

To give a family room an easy update I changed the layout of the furniture, put in a new carpet under the rug, painted the walls, fireplace, backs of the bookcases and recovered a sofa that had been in another room. I had the outdated attached fireplace screen removed as well.  The family has two young boys so the room needed to be comfortable and still have plenty of space on the floor for the boys to play. The boys are now sharing a bedroom and one room is now a play room where all the toys went. Here's the before:

The paint on the walls is Benjamin Moore Pale Smoke and the color on the backs of the bookcases is Benjamin Moore Slate Blue . Here's the after:

We moved the treadmill upstairs and brought in their piano.

They are happy and I love how painting the fireplace turned out too. Thanks
again Lauren for including me as a guest blogger.

--------------Thank you so much for your before & after Laura!!  It's amazing how these little changes can really transorm a room.  I love the blues you pulled out of the painting --especially the brighter blue in the sholves--  and painting the brick was perfect!!!  We appreciate your taking the time to do this!!


Guest Blogger Up Next: Eddie Ross

What I Got From Downtown Chic

I recently got an email from someone at Sixx Design saying they read my blog &  asking if I would review their latest book Downtown Chic.  I was thrilled!  I love getting new design books and of course have been intrigued by this young stylish family of (now) 9 since I'd first heard of them.

In case you haven't heard of them, they are the Novogratz's: super-chic Mom & Dad (Cortney & Robert) who run a wildly successful design business with 7 kids!

I wasn't the only one who got the book & reviewed it so you can check out some great reviews here:

I'm a little late on the reviews since Baby 2 came right after I'd received the book, so I'm going to approach this Downtown Chic book "review" a but differently.  Yes, it was an awesome book design-wise (bold, a bit funky- industrial, fearless, personal and very instructional)  but my favorite parts of it actually pertained to the Novogratz's themselves & their philosophies.  Cortney & Robert met and fell in love when Cortney was finishing up college.  Since then, they've married, had a beautiful (really beautiful!) gaggle of children and fixed up an insane amount of buildings- turning them into gorgeous unique homes & selling them for a nice profit.  They've invested wisely & have taken risks where others were afraid to & it's paid off. 

They have this amazingly laid-back parenting style & it's SO refreshing to see.  In a time where kids' lives are completely structured & parents worry about everything, it's awesome to read about a family who doesn't succumb to all the HOVERING & STRESSING. 

A Novogratz kid has a birthday, so they throw a party.  Cake & food for the kids and drinks for the adults.  Simple. Easy. FUN.  No big deal & no reason to stress.  They just live.

They party like rockstars too & they even had a catered party in one of their unfinished buildings.  (Cortney & Robert if you're reading-  I'm SO up for being a "filler!" ;)  You'll have to read the book to check out what a "filler" is, but what a true/ hysterical idea & I'm on the look-out for some in my life! 

The book is full of perfect quotes like "The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow." (H.G. Wells)
"Enthusiasm is life." (Paul Scofield)

I ended up reading the book in one sitting & reading a lot of it outloud to my husband.  From there, he went to the computer & started looking up real estate listings- wanting to flip our house & start all over again.  The Novogratz's feats are that inspirational.  I've said before that one of my favorite things about life is the feeling that there's limitless potential & that we can do anything we set out to do & that so much excitement lies ahead of us.  Well, Dowtown Chic really got us thinking in that direction.  Not only do the Novogratz's have a bright future ahead of them, but by reading about their path so far, I really got excited about my own family's future & creative potential.

So what are your thoughts?  Has anyone else read it?  Would love to know!

ps-  How gorgeous is the color scheme in the room above??!! 

And thank you SO  much to my Maria at Colour Me Happy for including one of my posts in her Top 10 Posts and to Cristin at Simplified Bee for including Christian's bedroom in her Favorite Posts of 2009 Roundup!  What awesome surprises & I'm honored!!!! :)