How pretty & springtime does this dining room feel?:

This painted Rococo Chair would look gorgeous paired up with either the mirrored side table or the mahogany pedestal table (below, both from Martha Stewart):

Love this table & chairs:

I have kitchen chairs very similar to these -I scored a set of 6 with 3 matching barstools at a consignment shop for around $350!- Pic of my old townhouse:

Again, I think this living room is beautiful, but I would want to add some more modern elements. I'd probably switch out the painted-on rug with a real one for warmth & because I have a little one crawling around.

Or this modern wing chair from Oly Studio:
And this bench from Oly:

Maybe add in or exhange this sofa (from martha stewart) for the current one. (I do love the existing one, but the room needs a little warming up... I could also deal with this in a neighboring room. I think its lines work really well with the Swedish pieces.)

Ok, and since we've created this neighboring room, this chair from Oly Studio would be gorgeous in there! ;)
Add in this tone on tone damask from Calico Corners:

And why not throw in this amazing ottoman?!:

And this would be perfect:
And this sofa from Marth Stewart would work really well in any Swedish-styled home:
I think I could go on & on. It's really a lot of fun to play with these budgetless rooms! :) But check out Nordic Style & play around!

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